Gillian is a hugely experienced and prominent court lawyer. She advises a broad range of businesses, public sector bodies and individuals on diverse disputes but specialises in contractual disputes, professional negligence, property litigation (both residential and commercial), insolvency, and in proceedings before regulatory bodies such as the Lands Tribunal, Licensing Boards and fitness to practice committees.
Gillian has recently successfully handled professional negligence claims including: pursuing and recovering damages for the failure of a client’s previous solicitor to effectively serve a notice to withdraw from missives to purchase commercial premises, and pursuing damages caused by a chartered accountant who failed to take appropriate care to protect the client from email fraud as a result of which considerable sums were lost. She has also won a case against a building contractor who failed to take reasonable care resulting in substantial remedial works being required at considerable additional cost.
Other work examples include: representing the liquidator of a company in substantial misfeasance proceedings under the Insolvency Act 1986 against the director of the company for sums redirected to a related company of which he was also a director to the prejudice of creditors; acting for the operators of a holiday park in disputes with a number of lodge owners arising out of the terms of Licence Agreements including payment of site fees, issues of fire safety and duration of occupation; and representing consulting engineers in a dispute with a developer on the interpretation of complex contractual documentation and whether additional services provided fell outwith fixed fees and were therefore due for additional payment.
Gillian also sits as a Legal Member of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing & Property Chamber).