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Employment Law | Reducing Workforce Costs, Reorganisation and Redundancy

Employment Law | Reducing Workforce Costs, Reorganisation and Redundancy

Over the coming months, employers may encounter some challenges as they continue to  navigate economic uncertainty inflationary pressures and higher costs. Many businesses are already feeling an increasing financial burden, and accordingly, some may want to undertake a review of their operating costs.

While many employers will want to do all they can to reduce costs in a way which preserves jobs, such as amending employment contracts, regrettably, others may have to look at restructuring and redundancies to manage costs. 

Regardless of scale, employers contemplating redundancies must ensure they understand and follow the relevant legal framework. The effective management of any organisational restructure, whether by redundancy or other means, can minimise legal costs and ensure smooth transition. This webinar will cover the thorny issues of potential redundancies and restructures, with a focus on the potential legal pitfalls and how best to navigate these.

Our Employment Law specialists hosted a webinar and online Q&A to guide employers as they prepare to address the potential challenges ahead. As well as sharing legal guidance on these processes, they share practical tips that you can apply in your own organisation.

This webinar will cover:
  • Job preservation – ways to reduce workforce costs without resorting to redundancies
  • The redundancy process – the importance of getting it right!
  • Particular points to consider arising out of discrimination and the costs of getting it wrong
  • Tips for employers

If you have questions about Employment Law legislation or restructuring options, please contact Chris or any member of the employment team on 03330 430350. 

Broadcast: 31 January 2024. The content in this webinar, guidance and advice provided by the host, is correct at the time of broadcast. If you are watching a recording after the broadcast date please contact us for the most up to date guidance and advice on this topic.

About the host

Chris Phillips
Chris Phillips

Chris Phillips



For more information, contact Chris Phillips or any member of the Employment team on +44 131 322 6163.